DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue Cover PhotoDunRoamin' Stray and Rescue Cover PhotoDunRoamin' Stray and Rescue Cover Photo

DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue is a no-kill charity that takes care of unowned sick and injured cats who would otherwise have no option but to be euthanized. We implement TNR programs for colonies of feral cats, altering and vaccinating the healthy and funding treatment for the ill and injured. Rescues who have chronic conditions that require life-long treatment become permanent fosters to ensure they receive the best care possible for the entirely of their lives. There is even a Cats for Seniors program to match companions with seniors looking for a friend.

Generally we have over 100 cats in our care at any given time. We rely heavily on foster homes and have recently expanded our offices to enable us to house more animals on-site.

Visit www.dunroaminstrayandrescue.com for stats, information about our Sponsorship and Cats for Seniors Programs, and photos of our adopted and adoptable pets.

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!