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FAQ & Fees
How are the winners determined?
Where do the grants come from?
Can charities from any country participate?
What fees does MyGivingCircle charge on donations?
How do donations work?
Is MyGivingcircle a registered charity or not for profit?
Are donations made through MyGivingCircle tax-deductible?
When I make a donation via MyGivingCircle, where does the money go and it is safe?
Is there a minimum donation level if I donate?
If I choose regular giving, can I cancel it anytime?
How often can I vote?
Will I be contacted by any Charities?
What is the difference between Donating and Paying to Feature?
How do I delete my account with MyGivingCircle?
Will I get a tax-receipt from MyGivingCircle?
Can UK charities receive GiftAid when people donate through MyGivingCircle?
Can Charities Donate to themselves via MyGivingCircle
I made a one-off donation but it is showing on my credit card statement as recurring
Using PayPal Giving Fund
What if I Believe a Charity Doesn’t Deserve a Grant?
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