The Dogs' Refuge Home is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the rescue, care and re-homing of dogs. Established in 1935, the Dogs' Refuge Home is one of the oldest animal welfare agencies in Australia. Our activities are motivated by the fundamental understanding that dogs are entitled to the same love and respect that they unconditionally give to us. Based at 30 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park, our kennels are capable of housing up to 150 dogs. We have a pro-life policy, which ensures that no dog will be euthanised on economic grounds. Every year we take in many hundreds of dogs that have been abused, neglected or simply no longer wanted. In the past financial year we found homes for over 1300 dogs and reunited hundreds of lost dogs with their owners. Without public support we are unable to provide vital care to these beautiful dogs and save healthy, re-homeable dogs from unnecessary destruction.