Wildlife Preservation Society Of Queensland
About us
The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland is the oldest, largest and most respected wildlife-focused conservation group in Queensland. We’ve been part of all the major conservation issues in Queensland for over 50 years. Our early campaigns protected important places such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Hinchinbrook Passage and Fraser Island. We’ve encouraged governments to protect important habitats from the coast to the rainforests through planning and legislation. Protecting wildlife is an important part of our work: the whiptail wallaby is no longer shot commercially in our state, and duck and quail in Queensland no longer fear the sport shooter’s gun because of our campaigns. Our current projects include planting vines to increase corridors for the Richmond Birdwing butterfly, platypus monitoring in SE Qld and installing and monitoring nestboxes for gliders, and searching for the endangered spotted tailed quoll through camera surveys and trained wildlife dogs. We were founded to educate the community about wildlife and wildlife issues. We continue to do this through our website, our publications, our full colour nature journal Wildlife Australia and regular special events such as our Batty Boat Cruises.
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Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025
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