Stop Live Exports Cover Photo
Numerous polls have shown that those compassionate Australians who support an end to this inherently cruel trade are very much the majority, and now more than ever, we need your support to keep the pressure on whilst we have this political momentum.

Stop Live Exports (People Against Cruelty in Animal Transport) is an incorporated, not-for-profit community organisation formed in 1995 and based in Fremantle - the epicentre of live sheep exports. We are committed to securing a phase-out of live animal exports, and believe that animals should be slaughtered as close to farm/feedlot as possible to avoid unnecessary suffering caused by extended transport. This is not to say that we have unwavering faith in our own domestic slaughter industry - nothing humane happens in ANY slaughterhouse, here or overseas, but domestic slaughter at LEAST spares them the voyage and gives them a possibility of competent stunning.

We believe that there is a way forward that will not only not disadvantage Australian jobs or producers, but will actually create more jobs, be beneficial for the economy and be more reliable for producers, and most importantly, spare many millions of animals unnecessary and extreme suffering.

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Every $1 you donate to Stop Live Exports gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

Australia and NZ Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 64d 19h 39m 28s
#4-#10 $2,000 each
#3 $4,000
#2 $5,000
1st Place $10,000