Coolamon Community Incorporated Cover Photo
Coolamon Community Incorporated Cover Photo
Coolamon Community Incorporated Cover Photo
Coolamon Community is a First Nations led Charity based in Northern Rivers NSW. Our purpose is to make a real difference at the very start life for an Aboriginal child and their mother. It is deeply concerning that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children today are being removed from their families at 10.8 times the rate of non-Indigenous children, pointing to a ‘new stolen generation’. Increasing early support to Indigenous Australian families, especially those who are struggling is essential. 84% of government funding goes into removal, only 16% into prevention and family support. Coolamon Community fills a key financial and emotional support role by partnering with AHS to support these families. The “Coolamon Crib” is delivered to the mum preterm or just after birth, by those trusted Healthcare workers at Aboriginal Health Services; this gift celebrates the birth of her child, and connects her to the local caring supportive community around her. The “Coolamon Crib” contains all those items a mother needs to support her and her new baby in those important early months, including baby’s bedding and clothing, mothers’ essentials for personal care etc., ensuring she is better prepared financially, emotionally and physically for her baby’ pre and post-natally

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Every $1 you donate to Coolamon Community Incorporated gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!