Peruvian Hearts Cover Photo
Peruvian Hearts is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization based in Golden, Colorado that encourages social, economic, and political change in Peru through the education and empowerment of young women.We work to end poverty and gender inequality by educating young women and creating community leaders in Peru—one girl at a time. We enable young women to embrace education, believe in their own power, and dream of a life beyond the conditions into which they were born.Our PH Scholars program provides disadvantaged girls in Peru with complete educational scholarships for university and full psychosocial support. This combination gives our girls the knowledge, tools, and confidence to become strong leaders who will go out and change the world.We provide our scholars with complete educational scholarships to attend public and private universities in Peru. We also provide them with ongoing psychosocial support.We understand the importance self-confidence for our scholars in Peru and we maintain a strong focus on personal growth and character development. Our girls receive ongoing support from our program psychologist, academic advisor, program director, and mentors who help our girls overcome obstacles and make the best decisions and take the necessary steps to achieve their dreams of a brighter future.

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USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 7d 21h 29m 55s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500