Offer A Paw, Inc. Cover Photo
Offer A Paw, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization fully committed to saving pets from being euthanized due to the lack of a place to call home. Our mission is to help save pets from hoarding, negligence, abandonment, and other abusive situations. It is our commitment to assist in promoting responsible pet ownership, distributing food and supplies to foster homes and shelters, and providing referrals to low-cost or free veterinary care. We will work with assisting veterinarians in providing treatment for animals with special needs. We will speak on the animals' behalf, advocating for their compassionate treatment and their continued well-being. At Offer A Paw, Inc. we want to end all pets' suffering and provide them with a healthy and happy tomorrow.

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USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 7d 21h 5m 6s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500