Western Wildlife Conservancy Cover Photo
Western Wildlife Conservancy Cover Photo
Western Wildlife Conservancy Cover Photo
Western Wildlife Conservancy Mission & Vision:We work to preserve and protect native wildlife species through research, education, advocacy, and litigation, with a focus on the needs of highly persecuted large carnivores such as wolves, mountain lions, bears, coyotes, bobcats, lynxes and wolverines. We envision: 1. A network of protected wild landscapes across the continent featuring large expanses of functional wildlife habitat connected by wildlife movement corridors, adequate to support enduring viable populations of native wildlife in peaceful coexistence with humans. 2. Holistic, ecologically-based wildlife management guided by an ethical respect for the beauty of healthy ecosystems as well as the intrinsic value and the good of all creatures. 3. Democratic and scientifically virtuous wildlife governance that treats wildlands and wildlife as a public trust.

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Every $1 you donate to Western Wildlife Conservancy gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

USA Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 14d 15h 51m 25s
#6-#10 $750 each
#2-#5 $2,000 each
1st place $3,500