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for Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue

Support Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances with a Donation for even more votes

Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue
1,762 Votes $580 Donated 7 Days to vote
Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue

About us

Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to ending cruelty towards donkeys. We rescue donkeys who are abused, neglected, starved or unwanted and provide a safe rehabilitative environment. Donkeys are either rehabilitated with the plan for adoption into carefully vetted homes, or they are deemed sanctuary animals that will live out their lives at the rescue. It is our mission to prevent traders and kill pens from getting and abusing as many donkeys as possible and helping educate the community to prevent abuse and neglect. We also take in donkeys whose owners are unable to care for them due to age, finances, etc. 

With over 270 rescue donkeys on site, we rely heavily on donations, both financial and in-kind, to maintain a high standard of care. It takes roughly $1600 per year to care for each donkey. All staff are volunteers, so 100% of donations go to helping the donkeys. We appreciate all donations! Our ability to continue saving and caring for the donkeys requires a village that is able to help both physically and financially. Donkeys are often in the shadows and the abuse they suffer goes unnoticed. Please consider helping us help these forgotten ones.      

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Peaceful Pastures Donkey RescuePeaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025

This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.

1st place:  $4,000
#2-#3:  $3,000 each
#4-#10:  $1,500 each
USA Charities Leaderboard: