Daylesford Community Op Shop Cover Photo

We are 100% volunteer run & 100% of our profits support those in necessitous circumstances. We are a Benevolent Charity. We are a non religious charity who receives no govt support. We work at a grassroots level proving equity, equality & empathy. We proudly work with no judgement & care. It's hard enough to ask for assistance & we understand this. We have a specialised committee consisting of social workers, young & more mature members, LGBTQIA, those who work with veterans, Indigenous & a beautiful cross section of our community.  We provide partnerships with other organisations so no one gets left behind or falls through the gaps. Our goods are extremely affordable & the sales go directly to those seeking assistance. We are so much more than just an op shop. We are a community. 

We add Votes for every $ you DonateWe add Feature Views for every $ you pay.

Every $1 you donate to Daylesford Community Op Shop gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

Every $1 you chip in to feature Daylesford Community Op Shop gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

You give$ we add 5,000 feature views.