About us
Domestic Animal Rescue and Education Inc (D.A.R.E) is a 100% no kill rescue. One of the only ones in the country!
This means we will never euthanize an animal due to finance, behaviour, age or medical ailments if a treatment is available. We are unique because though we try and save the lives of all domestic animals, we specialize in the beautiful border collie as a breed. We have a multidisciplinary team made up of foster carers, trainers, chiropractors, veterinarians, physiotherapists, volunteers and photographers who own, understand and all share our passion for the breed therefore giving them best opportunity of a second chance.
We take in dogs that others say are "too hard" and we rehabilitate and heal them using a combination of holistic and western treatments and then place them up for adoption. We operate as a not for profit who take no wages and work tirelessly to help babies in need.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $29,000 to the Top #10 Australia and New Zealand Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 9:00AM.