As a Tangāta Whenua service we ensure that we stay connected to Hauraki, whānau, hapū, and iwi through our staff, 99% of whom whakapapa to Hauraki. We also host events that privilege Matauranga Māori, as an approach to conversing with whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori about their needs and aspirations in terms of healing whānau violence and the services we deliver that have been designed to respond to their needs and aspirations. We are mindful that because of the sector we operate in, we need to continually balance the tensions between providing a safe and confidential service, while also remaining connected, and informed by Hauraki whānau. We provide services and programs for women, men, and children who are experiencing or have experienced Mahi Tūkino, including the transmission of historical intergenerational violence. The overarching outcome is to support whānau implement their solutions to Mahi Tūkino.
Te Whāriki Manawāhine O Hauraki - Hauraki Women's Refuge has been operating a professional, specialised Mahi Tūkino (domestic and sexual violence) service for 40 years supporting all communities within the Hauraki rohe. We also take referrals from other refuges around Aotearoa. We are the only Women's Refuge in the Thames, Coromandel, and Hauraki District Council regions.
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