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for StreetVet

Support StreetVet for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances by featuring them for even more votes

80 Votes £0 Donated 22 Days to vote

About us

StreetVet has a team of over 400 vet and vet nurse volunteers. They provide free accessible vet care to the homeless, vulnerable and those in crisis nationwide. At each of our 17 locations, we outreach regularly, at a fixed time and place, normally in conjunction with a social care provider such as food provision by a third-party partner, soup kitchen, day centre or hostel. We keep the place and time consistent in order to build a trusted presence in the community, it also allows better engagement with the owners as they know where and when to find us. We now have over 1600 patients registered with us and in 2021 performed over 1700 consults.

During these outreaches we deliver free preventative and reactive veterinary care, procedures such as simple diagnostic tests, flea and worming treatment, education and daily essentials such as food, treats and other pet equipment to the pets of those experiencing homelessness.

If an animal needed to be referred to veterinary practice for surgery, x-rays, blood tests or further investigative procedures we cover the cost of this treatment, ongoing medication and often transportation costs to and from the vet appointment.

We also support pets referred to us outside the 17 locations. These referrals come from members of the public, vet practices, social workers, hostel staff, police, RSPCA to name a few. In cases such as these we support the owner and their pet by working with a local veterinary practice to provide the care they need, whilst covering the cost of the treatment. This significantly increases our outgoings as we do not have a team of volunteers on the ground to provide the preventative and reactive veterinary care, so most cases that are referred to us are costly emergency procedures.

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025

This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.

1st Place:  £2,500
#2-#3:  £2,000 each
#4-#10:  £1,500 each
UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard: