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In May 2020, devastating flooding and mudslides hit the Nyabihu District in northern Rwanda. Nyabihu is home to the families that produce the popular Shyira and Vunga coffees. 28 people lost their lives in the floods. Physical losses include at least 325 homes, livestock, coffee trees and other crops. The floods destroyed vital community and utility infrastructure, including 36 classrooms, 12 churches, a healthcare centre, the Vunga market, and electrical and water supplies. While the Rwandan government is working to the best of its capability to respond in the current economic environment, additional support for coffee farmers is critically needed. Our friends have lost everything. They are currently sheltered in classrooms and need food, clothing, and blankets. WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE DOING? Phase 1) Meet immediate needs: estimate AUD $61,000 - Support removal of debris and isolate risks of further landslides - Deliver food and potable water - Provide clothing, blankets and basic hygiene products for those in need Phase 2) Support recovery: estimate AUD $185,500 - Rebuild houses (e.g., roofing sheets, concrete, reinforcing steel) - Replant crops (e.g., coffee seedlings, fertilizer, preparing the land) - Replace livestock and related infrastructure (e.g., fencing, sheds) - Provide food and income support while livelihoods recover Phase 3) Build resilience. Starting the process: estimate AUD $190,500 - Upgrade housing to improve health and safety (e.g., sealed floors - dirt floors are the norm and our baseline for phase 2, gas cooking stoves - eliminate smoke and related illness, solar power, etc) - Invest in certified seeds, plants, inputs needed to improve resilience to landslides (e.g., reforestation) - Provide training on practices to improve land management (e.g., terracing, drainage) - Rebuild infrastructure for greater resilience to future climate events (e.g., retaining walls) - Support to help restore community emotional wellbeing through social events

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