Moon Mountain Sanctuary and Rescue Cover PhotoMoon Mountain Sanctuary and Rescue Cover PhotoMoon Mountain Sanctuary and Rescue Cover Photo
Horse slaughter for human consumption in the US has been effectively banned since 2007. Horse meat cannot be legally sold for human consumption in the US. However, there is no federal law against the live export of horses for slaughter to other countries. As a result, thousands of American horses are shipped to Canada and Mexico each year where horse slaughter is legal. These horses often endure long, stressful journeys without adequate food, water, or rest.In August 2023, a significant rescue effort led by actress Dawn Olivieri and supported by her social media followers saved two groups of wild reservation herds, including mothers and their foals, from kill pens across the United States. Through crowdfunding, they rescued 50 horses in less than a month. This newly formed "Army" of supporters not only provided food and care but also saved many of these animals from near death. The ongoing mission at Moon Mountain is to secure forever homes for each animal, ensuring they receive the love, shelter, and care they deserve. Moon Mountain Sanctuary and Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing a haven for animals in need of refuge.

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