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for Many Tears Animal Rescue

Support Many Tears Animal Rescue for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances with a Donation for even more votes

Many Tears Animal Rescue
6,684 Votes £1,030 Donated 2 Days to vote
Many Tears Animal Rescue

About us

Many Tears Rescue is a small rescue centre based in Wales. We rehome approx 3000 dogs per year, as well as cats and other animals. We take in mainly ex breeding dogs but also dogs from the pounds, public hand-ins and a small number from rescues abroad when we can. Many Tears Rescue also runs community programmes, volunteer groups, friendship clubs and hosts educational courses for different groups. It is such a happy place, full of positive energy and where the staff and volunteers work tirelessly to help the animals in their care. All animals that come to the rescue are assessed, health checked, neutered, microchipped and vaccinated before being carefully adopted to their forever homes. Many of the animals arrive with health problems that need to be addressed and so the vet bills, along with the utility bills to heat the kennels and keep the place running are vast. Coronavirus has massively affected the rescue. Every fundraising event we had planned got cancelled and this has caused a massive loss of income. We rely on donations and fundraisers to keep running the rescue and without funds coming in we fear that we cannot continue but the animals desperately need us to keep going and so do those people who visit and come to the rescue to improve their wellbeing. We would be so grateful for any support.
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Many Tears Animal Rescue

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Every £1 you donate to Many Tears Animal Rescue gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025

This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.

1st Place:  £2,500
#2-#3:  £2,000 each
#4-#10:  £1,500 each
UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard: