USA and Canadian Charities Grant closing in 3d 15h 1m 58s
Australia and NZ Charities Grant closing in 2d 23h 1m 58s
UK and Irish Charities Grant closing in 3d 10h 1m 58s
L’il Purr Cat Rescue Cover PhotoL’il Purr Cat Rescue Cover PhotoL’il Purr Cat Rescue Cover Photo

We rescue cats/kittens that are in risk of being euthanized from high kill shelters! We help our veterans and those who are in need of temporary fostering for their family cats! We believe in keeping pets and family together. We also promote and support our local TNR programs! Donations goes to vetting, medication, and food for all the rescue cats! 

We add Feature Views for every $ you pay.

Every $1 you chip in to feature L’il Purr Cat Rescue gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

You give$we add 5,000 feature views.