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Homeless Hounds - Dogs in Need
About us
Stray and abandoned dogs that are picked up by the dog warden, only have their kennel fees paid for 7 days. If they are not claimed by their owners in this time, there is no one to pay for their boarding. Many of these dogs are destroyed every day because no one wants them, no one wants to pay for them and the council kennels need the room for the many more dogs coming in daily.Homeless Hounds is a group of dedicated people who believe that the unnecessary destruction of healthy dogs is both immoral and unacceptable. Our work is funded by peoples kind donations and our own fundraising events. Our trustees are unpaid and do not receive any expenses, so every penny goes towards saving dogs lives.
We work primarily with a kennels in the North West to save the lives of stray and abandoned dogs by finding them places of safety and transporting them there.
We work closely with rescues across the country who take our dogs when they have space and we have a dedicated team of foster families who look after dogs when a space for them can’t be found. Once a space is found we use kind volunteers to help us transport these dogs to safety.
Our Kennels are based on the Fylde Coast in Lancashire, England. We have a committed community of volunteers who help with all elements of the dogs welfare, from dog walking, playing and training, home checking, to fundraising and awareness events.
Often abandoned dogs are ill or injured and we need to care for them until they are well enough to move on. Vets fees and caring for these dogs in our boarding facilities costs a lot of money so we are always looking for people to help with our fundraising because without funds we cannot save these dogs lives. If you would like to join Team HH, please visit the Get Involved page.
Please read our Fundraising page if you would like to get involved in raising much needed funds for Homeless Hounds. Or visit the Donate page if you would like to make a donation today.
Thank you for your continued support
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March 2025 Grants Round
Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025
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