The Good Samaritan Donkey Sanctuary (GSDS) was established in 1972, and became a registered Charity in 1990, by Jo-Anne Kokas (OAM) to care for rescued donkeys, from around Australia. It offers shelter, food, refuge, care and love for abandoned, neglected, mistreated or ill donkeys. It also offers a home for donkeys that are unable to be cared for by their owners due to sickness or simply moving to an unsuitable location. Most of these donkeys come to the attention of the GSDS via the public, RSPCA, police or rangers. Sometimes the donkeys are delivered to the Sanctuary, however the Sanctuary can travel up to over a 1000km to rescue a donkey/s. GSDS Inc is location in the Dungog region, in the picturesque Hunter Valley of NSW. The property covers 300 acres which is divided into paddocks that offering both hilly and flat grazing land. A specialist Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and hospital is located on the property which includes stalls and equipment to cater for the needs of very sick donkeys that need constant care. Currently the Sanctuary has 101 donkeys in care, with 18 of these in the ICU/Hospital. The Sanctuary is currently is dire straits and in need of desperate funding to continue to keep the doors open, for Australia's donkeys in need. The GSDS is a non-profit registered charity. It receives no government funding and relies totally on the generosity of the public. All donations, directly to the Sanctuary, of $2 and over is tax deductible. Thank you for your support.
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