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for Good Neighbors Animal Rescue

Support Good Neighbors Animal Rescue for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances with a Donation for even more votes

Good Neighbors Animal Rescue
1 Votes $0 Donated 8 Days to vote
Good Neighbors Animal Rescue

About us

Good Neighbors Animal Rescue (GNAR) serves homeless pets, people who find strays, and owners who need to rehome their pets responsibly. GNAR's mission is to heal and prevent the suffering and neglect of homeless pets in Texas. Donations help us to keep animals in need out of overpopulated, impersonal shelters, and provide important services such as neutering, spaying, vaccinations, and pet owner education. We are an all-breed, all-volunteer, nonprofit 501c3 organization that takes abandoned strays from the street and saves them from uncertain fates. Support from donors allows us to save these animals and foster them until a forever family can be found. Donations keep adoption service fees low to increase adoption rates, regardless of how much was spent on each pet. GNAR adoption service fees cover only a fraction of medical services costs. GNAR operates on a shoe-string budget to keep costs as low as possible, so funds go to vet services, high quality pet food, and medicine. GNAR is foster home-based, meaning we don't have a facility, but foster pets are sheltered and socialized in a home setting. This keeps our overhead minimal and our adoption process personal, as every foster home knows their foster pets well. GNAR volunteers provide behavior as well as health rehabilitation for abandoned and stray animals so they can become adoptable pets. We are often the last resort for people looking for help with a dog who has anxiety or other concerns which would make other rescues reject them. GNAR regularly takes in pets with personality quirks that would label them as unadoptable, or would put them at high risk of being put down in a public shelter. GNAR does not take pets from shelters, but prevents them from ending up in high-kill shelters where they would be at risk of euthanization. This makes sure the intake process is personal, so those who surrender them and want to know what happens to them, are involved through the adoption process, and are assured that they end up with a brighter future. GNAR guarantees all pets for life and will take back a former foster pet at any point. Once a GNAR pet, always a GNAR pet. Our goal is to make sure that no pet adopted from us contributes to over-population, all get off of the street, and to prevent them from becoming just another statistic in a city or county animal pound. Prevention is the best medicine. GNAR only adopts out fully-vetted pets. This means that all pets have received GNAR's set of basic medical care, fully vaccinated and tested for disease, required to become adoptable. Our volunteers save litters of wild kittens born to feral mother cats outdoors, tame them up, find foster homes, and make them healthy, adoptable pets. Most importantly, the cycle of overpopulation is stopped by fixing all of the kittens, puppies, cats and dogs in our care. GNAR keeps hundreds of animals out of kill shelters each year, and prevents 1000s of unwanted pets from being born since 2015

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025

This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.

1st place:  $4,000
#2-#3:  $3,000 each
#4-#10:  $1,500 each
USA Charities Leaderboard: