Friends of Horsey Seals Cover PhotoFriends of Horsey Seals Cover PhotoFriends of Horsey Seals Cover Photo

The charity of volunteers aim to protect the grey seal colony at Horsey and Winterton from disturbance during the breeding season. 

Over 150,00 people visit this spectacular wildlife on their local beaches to view the new pups, weaners and all the activity that goes with the mammals breeding season during October until January then visit again for their annual moult during February until May.

We also aim to reduce the erosion on the SSSI site covering the dune system and beaches, which is a major sea defence to the low lying villages this protects.

This year the number of pups born reached 4000 since the colony started up from 1980, showing how successful the charity of volunteers are doing. We also have a very busy seal rescue team with the highest number of rescues of I’ll or injured seals, and donations to the charity go towards our vital work carried out by our volunteers.

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