Bats and Trees Society of Cairns Cover PhotoBats and Trees Society of Cairns Cover Photo

Bats and Trees Society of Cairns Inc. is a charity dedicated to the care and protection of bats in Far North Queensland. We need your help to feed bats in care. 100% of all our donations and proceeds of sales go to bat carers to assist in the cost of feeding bats in care. Orphan flying-foxes are in care for five months before release and injured adults may need care for six weeks or more. The cost of feeding bats per year is more than $30,000. We need the help of the community to feed these endangered and vital bats. 

We also engage the community and educate people in FNQ about the vital roles bats play in maintaining the health of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

Our aim is to enable people to live peacefully with bats. We need to build community support to enable political action to conserve threatened bat species. 

We do this by carrying out education and events for schools and the community, through financial assistance to local bat carers and through working with governments and cooperation with Landcare and other community groups to create and improve roosting and foraging habitat quality and conservation outcomes.

We are a founding member of the Spectacled flying-fox Recovery Team. 

Donate Now in our $100,000 in 100 hours Donation Challenge

Help us raise $100,000 in the next 100 Hours for Bats and Trees Society of Cairns and other charities at MyGivingCircle