Auckland women's refuge has been operating and based in central Auckland since September 1975.
The services the refuge provide are:
- provide residential safe house for women & their children seeking shelter from all forms of violent relationships
- provide both residential and community advocacy & support to families experiencing family harm (violence)
- provide 24 hour - 7 days a week telephone crisis line service for information and advice on all forms of violence
- provide educational services and programs to women, children & family experiencing or recovering from violence
- provide community families that meet criteria with 6 monthly safety alarm service ( Whanua protect - national homes Safety services)
- help high risk families referrals from Family
- Uphold Te Tiriti O Waitangi principles of working in partnership,participation & protection
- provide culturally appropriate services to families of different ethnicity
- raise public awareness of problems & causes in an effort to end all forms of Violence
The refuge is part funded by Ministry of social development (MSD) and the refuge relies on both business and public support to deliver refuge services. With public support we are able to fund additional projects that benefit our families towards living violent free lives, off one culture expenses (ie halal food supplies,immigration support) , organise group activities & outings, pay for specialist services rather than families being on a wait list(counselling, addition services,medical), achieve our strategic wish list, cover compliance & administrative expenses.