Animal Victory Disaster & Abuse Fund Cover PhotoAnimal Victory Disaster & Abuse Fund Cover PhotoAnimal Victory Disaster & Abuse Fund Cover Photo
Our mission focuses on assisting animals impacted by natural disasters or other crises.

We have three projects that make up our program. 

1. Helping Animals In Crises And Disasters Project

This project is a lifeline for animals caught in the chaos of natural disasters and war zones.

2. Begging For Help Project

This project is a funding initiative that provides vital financial assistance for low-cost spay and neuter services. These services are primarily aimed at smaller groups and individuals within the United States. 

3. Home Street Home Project

Home Street Home serves dogs and cats belonging to individuals experiencing homelessness. This program is an organized annual effort, particularly active during the November and December holidays, aimed at providing food, supplies, and veterinary care for these pets.

4. We share overhead costs to save on resources with our Affiliate Animal Victory- A compassionate advocacy group fighting animal abusers through Petitions.

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Animal Victory Disaster & Abuse Fund gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!