YSAR Trust Cover Photo
YSAR Trust Cover Photo
YSAR Trust Cover Photo
With a Mission of “empowering the next generation of community minded volunteers” the YSAR programme seeks to address the aging demographic of community volunteers and the lack of innovation and technology aligned to the SAR and EM sectors. 

We mentor, educate and train young people to save the lives of lost and injured people while imparting a love, respect and understanding of the wilderness, outdoors and natural environment.  

Our young people develop friendships, grow strong interpersonal skills (particularly leadership and management skills), enhance their real-world problem-solving techniques, improve their career opportunities, develop a sense of community service and a broader sense of hope for the future. 

These fantastic students wanting to volunteer and help in their community will make a big difference to those around them while they are training and then for a lifetime in volunteer service where they live. Any help we can give them to change their lives and others is very much appreciated.

These students will be well placed to assist in any emergency situation whether it’s a car accident, workplace accident, search and rescue event or home/community situation. They will be fully training to assist in any emergency situation, with extensive first aid and management skills. 

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Every $1 you donate to YSAR Trust gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!