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About us
Since its beginning in 1994, YJI has never charged a student to participate. It has published work by students produced on all seven continents. It is based in the United States but has students worldwide.
YJI publishes serious journalism - covering school violence, teen suicide, terrorism, depression, sexual assault and much more. It is a place for young people to learn about journalism, its role in democracy and the importance of press freedom.
Students, who range in age from 12 to their early 20s, work independently and together in groups. Much of the interaction is via online Zoom sessions, email and social media. YJI also has regional in-person gatherings and is now holding an annual Global Conference where students collaborate in a peaceful, productive way.
YJI hosts an international journalism contest that recognizes wonderful writing, art and photography by young people age 19 or under, whether they are YJI students or not.
YJI is able to operate only because of generous donations from supporters who value youth and truth. Please join them!
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.