TSAA is a non-profit, independent charity run by volunteers consisting of people with TS, their families, health and education professionals and other interested and concerned people. The association disseminates educational materials in the fields of health care, education and welfare service, provides telephone counselling and operates support groups. We support parent advocacy and other services to help families cope with problems that may occur with TS. The association publishes a quarterly newsletter. You can learn more about Tourette Syndrome and the work we do in the following segment, screened during Tourette Syndrome Awareness Week, by Chanel 10 "The Project". https://www.facebook.com/TheProjectTV/videos/10155531915623441/UzpfSTMzMTYzNDg1NjkzMTYzMjoxNzA2MjE1NjY2MTQwMjA0/