About us
The Sophie Lancaster Foundation was set up in 2007 following Sophie’s brutal murder in a gang hate crime attack. The age of the perpetrators and the level of violence used, sent shock waves around the world. Sylvia Lancaster, Sophie’s Mum, knew that education was central to changing perceptions about people who are different to us – and how we are visibly different to each other is still the root of most bullying, bias, prejudice and hate. The Foundation works extensively with schools, colleges and universities to help young people develop empathy and greater critical thinking skills. We also work with perpetrators of hate crime to help them understand that actions have consequences and the need to take responsibility for their own actions.
The Foundation works tirelessly to combat prejudice and intolerance, particularly that targeted at people from alternative subcultures. Whatever community we come from, what matters is that we all stand together against hate, to help create safer, more cohesive communities for us all.
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