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About us
Cuan Wildlife Rescue is Shropshire's only 24/7 wildlife rescue centre based in Much Wenlock. Cuan take in over 6000 sick, injured or orphaned wild animals and birds a year, with the aim of nursing them back to health. Once fully recovered, great emphasis is placed on returning them to the wild - in most cases, this means back to the area from where they came , where they may have a mate waiting, or where, at least, they will be familiar with their territory or hunting ground. All proceeds will go towards the running of the hospital as well as caring for the wildlife in the aim of bringing them back to full health. The amount of admissions at the hospital is growing year by year and we rely entirely on donations from the public to run the hospital and care the the animals and birds. The governments frontline support for charities unfortunately does not include animal support charities such as Cuan, leaving the charity in a desperate financial situation as they are taking admissions from animals all across Shropshire and the local area on a daily basis. At this difficult time Cuan Wildlife Rescue are looking for any support people can offer so that they can still treat the variety of Wildlife still coming through the doors. Any help is very gratefully received and would be greatful for any donations to support them during the months in which Cuan Wildlife receive the most patients. Supporters can donate through our website and by post. All proceeds will go towards the running of the hospital as well as caring for the wildlife in the aim of bringing them back to full health.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.