About us
For over 100 years, OneKind has been ending cruelty to animals! OneKind believes that each nonhuman animal matters as an individual, just as each human animal does. An animal’s worth is not based on their usefulness to humans. OneKind has carried out public awareness and educational campaigns, produced scientific research and reports, and exposed both legal and illegal cruelty to wild, companion, farmed animals and those used in scientific research. We have developed a reputation for effective campaigning and reliable, evidence-based opinions, and are regularly consulted by politicians and officials. Recent successes include: • Achieving a ban on the sale and use of glue traps! • Scotland became the first country in the UK to introduce a ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses. • Securing the Protection of Wild Mammals Act in Scotland in 2002, making hunting hares and foxes with dogs illegal. • A commitment from the Scottish Government to end the mass-culling of mountain hares. We couldn't achieve such incredible results without the support of our donors, who we rely on to raise the £300,000 we need each year to continue protecting Scotland's animals. OneKind exists to end cruelty to Scotland’s animals. We expose cruelty and persecution through our investigations and research, and end it for good by giving Scotland’s animals a voice. We believe that people and animals aren’t that different. We all think, feel and love, and we’re all capable of suffering. Human kind, Animal kind…. We’re all OneKind in the end.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.