Every $1 you donate to The Nobody's Cats Foundation gets them 1 vote towards winning their grant category!
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About us
We've spayed and neutered more than 57,000 community cats!
What does that mean?
Hundreds of thousands of kittens never born to suffer.
Hundreds of thousands of kittens and cats never needing to be rescued.
Hundreds of thousands fewer kittens and cats needing to be managed in our community.
Fewer cats in our community, fewer cats entering our shelters, fewer kittens born only to suffer and die.
Your support helped make that happen. You are saving lives. You are preventing unimaginable suffering.
Nobody's Cats is dedicated to the welfare of community cats in our 15-county southcentral Pennsylvania region. Donate and vote to be part of our mission!
We add Votes for every $ you Donate
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.