Starting as a part-time, grassroots, living room venture to address the needs of a rural community, the demand for Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans’s services has fueled tremendous growth. In just two years, we took 214 dogs, 597 cats, and 6 small animals into our care.
Super Heroes's services were created to fill gaping needs for pet owners and animal lovers, including:
Pet Food Pantry - Super Heroes offers the community a pet food pantry. Food is available to pet owners in need, no questions asked.
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Services - Throughout 2019, Super Heroes transported a total of 296 cats 4 hours roundtrip for low-cost spay /neuter services. We continue to look for ways to provide the community access to such services.
TNvR - Several feral cat populations have been identified in our area. Super Heroes has operated trap, neuter, vaccinate, and release programs within these colonies in an effort to slow colony growth and limit the spread of cat-to-cat diseases.
Emergency Boarding - Super Heroes works with local hospitals and social services to provide free, temporary boarding of pets for owners facing long-term hospital stays, homelessness, or a stay in a domestic violence shelter.
Emergency Vet Bills - Emergency veterinary services can be beyond the means of a pet owner. When true emergency situations arise and pet owners have nowhere else to turn, we try our best to assist with helping the family get their furry family member stabilized. No one wants an animal to suffer when something could be done.