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Sylvia's Children, Inc.
About us
“We are a ‘Direct Participation’ Charity where you choose your level of involvement. You can make a monetary donation, or if you choose, actually travel with us to the school and help. The level of participation is up to you. For those kind enough to donate, understand there is no middleman with Sylvia’s Children, all funds go directly to the school without any filters. Therefore, you not only see where your money goes, but you can also watch it work. Unfortunately, with many charities, you send your money and you never know where it goes and never see it work. With Sylvia’s Children …YOU DO! There is no minimum and no maximum limit, all contributions are 100% Tax Deductible.”Uganda… 1.5 million orphansUganda… 95% of the population does not have electricityUganda… more than half of the population lives on less than $2 a dayUganda… 95% of the population does not have waterUganda… only 20% of the male children go past 7th gradeUganda… only 17% of the female children go past 7th gradeSylvia’s Children is trying to address these problems, starting with education. As the adopted grandmother to over 1,000 children at the Mbiriizi Advanced Primary and Day Care School, Sylvia Allen has made a significant difference in the children’s lives and hopefully, give them enough education to have a better life than their ancestors.Since 2003 we have made a difference in these children’s lives… providing a well so they don’t get sick, a library and books, additional classroom blocks, a nurse and health care services, the list goes on – click here for a complete list of what we’ve accomplished. Our goal is to make the school totally self-sustaining so we can take this model and apply it elsewhere.
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March 2025 Grants Round
Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025
This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.