Rotorua Bike Festival Charitable Trust
About us
NZ's largest and longest-running community bike festival presents 25-30 events enjoyed by 5000-7000 people over 10 days each year. The aim is to use cycling to promote long-term improvements to Rotorua's quality of life, in terms of social, personal, environmental and community health; business; youth; the arts; and all cultural groups. This means that events range from cultural events such as Diwali night rides and Te Reo cycling history tours, through to hardcore mountain-biking, toddlers rides, business-of-biking seminars, and even the iconic rides on the Rotorua Airport runway.
The Rotorua Bike Festival is funded entirely by annual Grants, which are made by Rotorua Lakes Council and gaming charities such as the Lion Foundation, Pub Charity, Southern Trust etc, plus a small amount of ad hoc commercial sponsorship.
These Grants are made on an annual basis with the funds available for use only on specified purposes and within the delivery timeframe of each year's Festival. This means that there is little surplus remaining for the Trust each year, and what does remain goes towards insurance, audits etc.
The Grants are used to pay for the appointed Festival Management company to run and market the Festival under the oversight of the Trust. The funds are used for management staff, advertising, health & safety compliance, access fees (e.g. traffic management, forest use fees etc) and sub-contracted suppliers such as artists, kapa haka, traffic management, first aid and photographers. Hence while the Festival is overseen by the Charitable Trust, it is only possible through contracting actual delivery to a paid Festival Management Company.
COVID-19 has meant that our normal funding sources have shrunk to zero. Some have withdrawn their funding entirely (e.g. Rotorua Lakes Council), and others have stated that they have less to give and/or are reprioritizing their funding decisions to reflect the change in community requirements post-Covid.
Combined, this means that the Festival has no guaranteed funds for 2020 Festival and has been unofficially canceled pending any last-minute funding that comes through. Our contracted Festival Management company has not been paid anything following the completion of their 2019-2020 contract period earlier this year.
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March 2025 Grants Round
Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025
This grant round we are giving $29,000 to the Top #10 Australia and New Zealand Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 9:00AM.