Rompin Paws Rescue Cover Photo

Our mission is to help homeless or victimized companion animals find safety and health on their way to being placed into forever homes, where they will never suffer abuse, neglect, or homelessness ever again.

Rompin Paws Rescue is a No-Kill companion animal rescue dedicated to helping pets in need and helping end the suffering caused by humans through overbreeding, abandonment, and cruelty. Our goal is to save one animal at a time and give it the best care possible through proper vetting, spay/neuter, proper feeding and nutrition, training, love, and compassion. All dogs are fed a species-specific diet and we employ homeopathy and naturopathic care to help the dogs heal emotionally, psychologically, and physically. We view ourselves as servants to our clients-the dogs, speaking on their behalf to help them find Emotional Support Humans to care for them.

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