Paws In Need, San Ramon  CA Cover Photo
Paws In Need, San Ramon  CA Cover Photo

Paws In Need is an animal welfare non profit based in the Bay Area, California.  We provide a low cost spay & neuter service to family who can not afford the cost (low income, elderly on fixed income and homeless population). Our goal is to reduce the overpopulation by reducing unwanted litters thus also reducing the numbers of animals entering shelters which often get euthanized.

We also provide financial assistance to the same demographic in case of emergency surgeries.  Often cost of surgeries is reduced by using our veterinarian partners and also by providing grant money to pay for a significant portion of the remaining expenses.

We are often the last resort for people needing help with their pets, specially senior citizens who often only have their pet(s) as companionship.  By providing help, we avoid unnecessary euthanasia and are able to keep families and pets together.

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Every $1 you donate to Paws In Need, San Ramon CA gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

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Every $1 you donate to Paws In Need, San Ramon CA gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!