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for Not Our Farm

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Not Our Farm
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Not Our Farm

About us

Not Our Farm (NOF) is a farmworker storytelling project that strives to celebrate and share the stories of non-owning workers on farms. NOF also aims to increase visibility around the challenges and abuses that happen on farms, regardless of the size, location, or reputation. Our efforts impact workers across the country by countering the isolation many feel on farms, raising awareness about and naming the abuse workers experience, and uplifting workers’ ideas about how we can create safe and joyful farming futures. The majority of the workers that NOF serves work on small farms ranging from 0.25 acre to 10-acre farms, spanning from rural to urban areas, and for-profit to non-profit structures. Many of the farms are not subject to FDA rules and regulations regarding food safety, which would ensure that there is access to clean and safe bathrooms, handwashing stations, and break areas to eat. In addition, due to the small nature of these businesses, many of the farms are also exempt from OSHA safe employment standards, so workers are regularly in very hazardous, unsafe situations at their places of work. NOF seeks to serve this population of workers who are often not safeguarded by FDA or OSHA regulations that employees on larger farms are, and who are often unsafe in farming operations based on the identities that they hold as BIPOC, Queer or Trans. We recognize that “farmworker” is a politicized term and status that is often used to represent migrant workers, immigrant workers, H2A workers, and Spanish first workers. NOF intentionally uses “farmworker” to express solidarity with the above groups and to bring attention to the fact that harm & abuse is happening to farmworkers regardless of the size, growing practices, or certifications of a farm, and regardless of the background of the workers a farm employs. We also use “farmworker” because “employee” implies safeguards that don’t exist for agricultural workers, due to federal exemptions and the racist foundations of agriculture in the United States. NOF cultivates a virtual place of community among workers where they are invited to ask questions, share stories, seek support, and offer expertise as skilled laborers. NOF also creates resources and opportunities based on the needs and gaps identified by the workers and contributors to this community, including worker-centered farm management training, an informational zine about working on farms , a consumer resource about how consumers and vendors can support worker-centered farms when purchasing from farms, a toolkit on centering workers on farms, meditation and mindfulness drop-in classes for workers to support emotional wellness, a wide range workshops and teach-ins and more.
Not Our Farm

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Apr 1, 2025

This grant round we are giving $20,500 to the Top #10 USA Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 1 Apr 2025 12:00AM.

1st place:  $4,000
#2-#3:  $3,000 each
#4-#10:  $1,500 each
USA Charities Leaderboard: