Kotor Kitties Cover Photo
Kotor Kitties Cover Photo
Kotor Kitties’ mission is to improve the health of the stray cats of Montenegro through spaying, neutering and education.Montenegro is a small Balkan country that was part of the former Yugoslavia. Tourists flock to Montenegro to enjoy the stunning beauty of its coastline and mountains, friendly people, and delicious food. They also discover a massive and tragic overpopulation of “community animals”—unwanted cats and dogs. Kotor Kitties unites the concern of tourists, the skill of local vets, and the compassion of local people to provide a humane solution for the community animals: Montenegro’s first sterilization program of High Quality-High Volume Spaying and Neutering (HQHVSN). Our program includes Montenegro’s first Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) project for cats.

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UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 59d 9h 18m 28s
#6-#10 £1,000 each
#2-#5 £1,250 each
1st Place £2,000