Knitting for Brisbanes Needy Cover Photo
Knitting for Brisbanes Needy (K4BN) was created almost 11years ago to knit/crochet warm items for the homeless in Queensland, as although we are the sunshine state, after talking to a couple of homeless they mentioned how cold it gets, even of a summer night, when living under bridges, in bushes, in doorways etc. We started off with 3 members, and now all those years later, we have in excess of 400 volunteers who knit/crochet/loom and sew all sorts of items to distribute all over Queensland. In the 11 years we have donated over 340,000 items to homeless, less fortunate, Domestic Violence victims, hospitals; cancer patients, those suffering mental illnesses etc; aged care homes even wildlife carers and animal shelters; victims of natural disasters throughout Australia and also our Defence Forces serving overseas. We also buy, beg for toiletries which we put into hand sewn toiletry bags which are distributed to those in need . All these donations are delivered straight to those who need them or organisations who help them FREE OF CHARGE. OUr founders drive all over Queensland, including out to Roma, Dalby, Bundaberg, Maryborough to name but a few places in their own vehicle at their own expense, We receive no funding whatsoever. A majority of our volunteers are pensioners buy their own wool etc, or wool which is sometimes donated. If we were to be fortunate to win any of this generous money it would be used to buy wool, toiletries and fuel, all to assist our donations getting to those who genuinely need them. Thank you.

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