Homes of Hope Cover Photo
Studies show 30 to 50 percent of foster families quit within the first year due to a lack of support and resources. We work alongside foster care state agencies in Washington and Idaho to fill in the gaps of support, education, and resources for foster and adoptive families. The foster care system underinvests in foster children, contributing less than 50% of what costs an average American family to raise a child from 0 – 17 years of age. We provide foster/adoptive families with practical resources, e.g., clothing, shoes, blankets, baby beds, car seats, etc., as available at no charge.

Foster and adoptive families can sometimes feel isolated and misunderstood when they find themselves struggling to parent, communicate, and love at-risk children. We provide caregivers free one-on-one coaching, low-cost training programs taught by certified practitioners, respite care, and events that celebrate the life and worthiness of each child and their parents.

We give scholarships to children in foster care for extracurricular activities in the community to promote physical and emotional health. We provide foster care state agencies in eight counties in WA and ID with 'Kid's Care Packs' for social workers to give to a child when they come into care.

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