Grand Prairie Cat Crew Cover PhotoGrand Prairie Cat Crew Cover PhotoGrand Prairie Cat Crew Cover Photo
Grand Prairie Cat Crew exists to increase survivability and quality of life for the cats and other animals in our city by promoting fostering, rescue, and other programs to help endangered animals; running a TNR (trap/neuter/return) support program to decrease the number of feral cats, educating the public regarding programs and policies that impact cats; partnering with our local animal shelter; promoting spay/neuter programs; and advocating for at-risk animals. We ask that you join us in supporting TNR by learning how to trap, and fostering kittens and educating others to take care of ill and injured cats until they can be adopted or returned to their colony if too feral to live indoors.

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Grand Prairie Cat Crew gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!