Gondwana Rainforest Trust Cover PhotoGondwana Rainforest Trust Cover PhotoGondwana Rainforest Trust Cover Photo

Gondwana Rainforest Trust is dedicated to safeguarding the future of the world’s rainforests by implementing conservation programs to purchase, protect and restore endangered rainforests. In partnership with traditional custodians, the Trust purchases high conservation value rainforest and restores degraded rainforest to ensure the ongoing protection and management of these critically important ecosystems. Our purchase of freehold land in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest ensures populations of iconic and endemic plants and animals, including the E. grandis, are managed for conservation. Nature-based solutions, such as ours, are actions that help mitigate climate change. This is done through the protection, sustainable management, and restoration of natural or modified ecosystems. Actions include removing carbon from the atmosphere through reforestation, protecting forest from deforestation, and supporting biodiversity. Please, vote/donate now to help us protect this vital habitat.

We add Votes for every $ you Donate

Every $1 you donate to Gondwana Rainforest Trust gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!