Fraser Coast Pet Warriors Cover Photo
Our mission is to reduce the companion animal population in the Wide Bay with an effective desexing programme. With a transient human population, animals, mainly cats are abandoned and left to breed unabated; this leads to disease , injury and misery for these poor animals, as well as impacting negatively. on the environment, as roaming cats predate heavily on wildlife. Last year we rescued 251 cats and kittens, all were vaccinated, microchipped, desexed and rehomed. Seventy of these cats were taken from death row at the council pound in Hervey Bay and Maryborough and put through our foster system. We take all pregnant and mother cats to allow them to give birth and raise their kittens in foster care, many of these poor mums are skin and bone and have been having to leave their kittens to scavenge for food; we provide them with top nutrition, bring them back to health and allow them to raise their young in a loving, warm and comfortable environment, then once the kittens are weaned they are all put through our system and all are desexed, preventing thousands of births. Our volunteers work tirelessly and food and litter costs are often met by them. Vet costs, while discounted for rescue groups, are still a huge burden for our group, the more funds we can bring in, the more animals we can rescue ?

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