Since our July 2019 launch, Erin Regan Animal Sanctuary and Rescue has saved hundreds of farm and companion animals. Although we take on all types of animals, we specialize in difficult, severe cases in danger of euthanasia. Animals that need expensive life-saving treatment are often euthanized in shelters in order to conserve funds. We don't say no to expensive treatment needs in order to give deserving animals a chance at life.
We recently expanded to a 40-acre facility with plans to build a full scale companion animal shelter and purchase a transport van to get more pets off of euthanasia lists and into loving homes. We also plan to start a local spay and netuer clinic and feral car TNR program to help combat the massive overpopulation problem in the south. With your help, we will continue to save countless animals from neglect, abandonment, and abuse, and get them into forever homes where they will spend their lives cared for and loved.