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for Cloth Cat Studios Ltd

Support Cloth Cat Studios Ltd for this March 2025 Grants Round! Vote to help them win a Grant and boost their chances by featuring them for even more votes

Cloth Cat Studios Ltd
6 Votes £0 Donated 17 Days to vote
Cloth Cat Studios Ltd

About us

Our vision is that all people in Leeds and beyond find a sense of purpose and belonging, and gain more control over their own lives. Cloth Cat harnesses the power of music to create community, build potential and transform people’s mental health and well-being. We recognise that many people face challenges with their mental health and wellbeing. The people using our services having a disconnect with their communities and experience a feeling of not belonging due to social or economic inequalities. There is a link between this and poor mental health and well-being, isolation and risk of suicide. Every individual has untapped potential to be happier, healthier, and more productive in life and there is much evidence that access to arts and culture is a vital tool in promoting good mental health and wellbeing. We are an inclusive organisation and listen to what our service users have to say. We have to rely on grants to fund our projects and initiatives, although we are creative and take a collaborative approach where we can to make things happen if possible. Sometimes, this isn’t possible sadly so we encourage you to donate to Cloth Cat if you are able to.
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Cloth Cat Studios Ltd

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Every £1 you chip in to feature Cloth Cat Studios Ltd gets them featured 100 times to help them get more votes and supporters.

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025

This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.

1st Place:  £2,500
#2-#3:  £2,000 each
#4-#10:  £1,500 each
UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard: