Protect Our Winters UK Cover Photo
Protect Our Winters UK (POW UK) is a charity which brings the powerful and significant voice of the outdoor community to the table on climate change. The outdoor industry in the UK is economically significant and has millions of enthusiasts participating - our vision is to inspire and equip this community to take positive action on climate change, to help ensure the outdoors is available in the future. By connecting, educating and organising this massive and influential community (outdoor enthusiasts, professional athletes and passionate companies) to make low carbon choice and advocate for policy solutions to climate change, we will accelerate the transition to a low carbon society, we just need your help to do it. The current health crisis highlights even more the need for systemic level action on climate change - yet it has also affected ability of our community to take desperately needed climate action, and our ability to raise funds needed for our work. What we do: - Create connections with those involved in these sports including athletes and brands to help drive the systemic change necessary to stop the climate crisis. - Communicate in a new way bringing climate action to a new audience, provide carbon literacy training, work with companies on their impacts, and run targeted campaigns to change large scale matters including policy. - Work with the entire outdoor sports community with a current strategic focus on mountain sports, particularly snow sports, to allow us to use more targeted communications to build strong connections. Our work is driven by the belief that we must accelerate climate action, to protect future generations from catastrophic climate impacts and ensure the outdoors remains available in future. Currently, as an example, we are on track to have 70% less snow volume in the Alps by the end of the century. We can bring this to 30% less snow and reduced impacts to the communities that work and play these areas if we act urgently.

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Every £1 you donate to Protect Our Winters UK gets them 1 vote toward winning their grant category!

UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard

Closing in 66d 2h 38m 19s
#6-#10 £1,000 each
#2-#5 £1,250 each
1st Place £2,000