Since 2010, Broken Promises SW has been the premier Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) organization in southern New Mexico, having TNR’d thousands of cats for hundreds of caregivers. While most local groups work to find homes for friendly pets, our work focuses on the unsocialized and unadoptable cats in our community that are overlooked by adoption organizations. By trapping, neutering, vaccinating and ear-tipping community cats and then returning them to the area that they know to be their home, we are able to humanely reduce their numbers while respecting the lives they prefer to live. We educate community cat caregivers on the proper methods of cat colony care and teach them how to TNR cats by themselves. We operate a small sanctuary for unwanted and un-returnable cats which allows them to enjoy the outdoors in spacious and protected catteries, under the careful watch of our volunteer caregivers who tend to their needs several times daily. All our work is done free of charge and we rely on private donations to fund our efforts.