About us
In 2015 I lived in Queensland and heard about farmers facing drought. I got to wondering what they did when their boots died and they had no money to buy new ones. That was when I first started thinking about Boots for Bushies.What do farmers do when their boots wear out?They contact Boots for Bushies for a new pair ~ or a Secret Spotter dobs them in. ;)In times of natural disaster I get support from Blundstone Australia. Will you help too?
Hi! I'm Reenie Henderson. ~ I'm a middle-aged woman from 'the big smoke' - recently moved to Tyalgum in northern NSW.I've seen lots of Australia and love the outback and the wide open spaces. My heart breaks for the farmers affected by a drought that seems never ending.In 2019 Blundstone helped with boots as fires ravaged most of eastern NSW.Again in 2022 Blundstone have helped with boots for flood survivors and those helping with the clean up.The donated boots are all distributed and now I need to buy boots for the many people that are still wearing unsafe footwear as they continue to clean up and rebuild.
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March 2025 Grants Round
This grant round we are giving $29,000 to the Top #10 Australia and New Zealand Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 9:00AM.