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for Blue Highlands Bird Rescue

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Blue Highlands Bird Rescue
252 Votes £100 Donated 38 Days to vote
Blue Highlands Bird Rescue

About us

This is the most difficult time of the year. Baby birds and fledglings have poured in this year at triple the normal intake. Regardless of this new influx, we are left with the same meagre budget we work with annually. To add to the crisis, more wildlife centres have closed this year, which spells even more birds in need. Those displaced have been / will be dispersed to us and other wildlife centres. Yet another trauma (the loss of their ‘forever” or rehabilitation home) for these poor creatures to endure. COVID 19 has spelled the evisceration of charity funding, with animal charities and children charities topping the list of those most affected. Why is it always the most vulnerable who are hit hardest in time of crisis? We ask with our hearts that even if you can only send a single pound, that WILL help with food, medicine and housing for traumatised birds of all kinds. Every pound collected also results in a “vote” for us as a favoured charity that can make us eligible for more funding from in this way, your small aid may actually result in a far-reaching result. For those of you whom have helped over these last years… we have no words, other than to say “thank you” on behalf of the voiceless we represent and work tirelessly to get back home to the wild. Who knows how many hundreds are out there because of your enabling them to procreate and continue to contribute to our irreplaceable National Avian Heritage and Ecology? Please help us to help them!

Blue Highlands is a unique bird crisis centre which marries three distinct aims:

* 24 Hour Crisis Intervention/Rehabiliation

* Conservation/Wild Release Including  Endangered Species Restoration

* Education (especially for disadvantaged youth and elderly)

 Whilst each of these programmes are wholly separate and represent goals particular to their individual aims, they compliment one another in such a way as to strengthen them all. Each of these programmes are worthy on their own, but this three-pronged effort results in a far greater long term impact than any one of them could possibly achieve alone. The trackable, tangible impact upon avian ecology is far better served when approached in such a manner. This has been our philosophy for 31 years, and the programmes have gone from strength to strength. Blue Highlands holds one of the highest success rates for traumatic injury rehabilitation and wild release, specialising in wing injuries and beak reconstruction.  This no-kill shelter has aided thousands of birds over the years and has touched many people’s lives as well, with their educational outreach programmes.

Organisations such as SSPCA, other wildlife centres, law enforcement authorities, zoos, public schools and the community at large in the UK have come to rely upon their availability, experience and dedication to their laser-focused mission and purpose.

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March 2025 Grants Round

Grant Closes: Mar 31, 2025

This grant round we are giving £14,000 to the Top #10 UK and Irish Charities. Vote and support the Charities you love today and help them share in grants on 31 Mar 2025 7:00PM.

1st Place:  £2,500
#2-#3:  £2,000 each
#4-#10:  £1,500 each
UK and Irish Charities Leaderboard: